Weyside Urban Village – Update

Guildford Borough Council update us on this exciting regeneration project on our doorstep.

In 2020, we set out our vision for the transformation of Weyside. The regeneration will bring new homes, facilities, and opportunities for the local community. We have held thirteen consultation events to inform the scheme, which is now progressing at pace. Here’s a glimpse of some of the exciting developments happening in our area.

Transforming spaces into homes

Part of the Bellfields Allotments and former Aggie Club site will pave the way for 81 new homes. We will soon be selecting a developer to deliver the new homes. This is an important step in regeneration as it brings us closer to realising our vision to provide new homes and a sustainable and inclusive community.

Aggie Club Community Centre

The Aggie Club has celebrated its first year in a new community space. The purpose built building was handed over in 2023 so that community activities could continue. The new facility has a fantastic events hall, a members’ bar area, and a kitchen for the club’s popular café.

New allotment sites

We’ve been hard at work on creating new allotment sites across the borough. Allotment holders relocating from Bellfields Allotments have moved to either North Moors or Woodside Road. Their plots are establishing and are growing fresh, home-grown produce. There is still some work to do to complete North Moors. However, there will be extra plots, across all the sites, for people on the allotment waiting list to enjoy. Interested in an allotment? Contact the Guildford Allotment Society at waitinglist@guildfordallotments.org.uk

Relocation of sewage treatment works

Guildford sewage treatment works is relocating to a new site. The move will free up much-needed land for housing. It will also provide a new sewage treatment facility for Guildford. This marks the first major investment in new waste infrastructure for Guildford for several years. Construction work is well underway with the main tunnel complete, the majority of foundations now complete, and structures starting to be built.

Construction of new electricity substation

The UK Power Network is building a new substation and laying new cables in this area. The work has started and will be ongoing until 2025. This work will support the new Weyside community and residents already living in the area.

Moving forward: exciting developments ahead
Over the coming months, several new projects and plans will kick off. These will bring even more improvements to our community. Here’s what to expect:

New council depot

Plans for a new council depot have been revised. The revisions need approval from the local planning authority. The new depot will streamline waste and recycling operations and improve services for residents. The first works will start on site in June 2024. The regeneration will bring new homes, facilities, and opportunities for the local community.

Phase three regeneration

A planning application for phase three of the regeneration will be considered later this year. This phase includes approximately 175 new homes. In 2023 a consultation on the design of the homes was held. The consultation considered community needs and preferences.

Highways improvements

A series of highway improvements will begin later this year. These upgrades will improve some junctions, roads, and bus lanes. The improvements will provide access to new homes and make travel around Weyside more efficient and safer.

Burpham Court Farm Nature Reserve

A new nature reserve at Burpham Court Farm also forms part of the regeneration plan. This new reserve will create diverse habitats for wildlife. It will also open up access to the countryside for everyone. New footpaths and cycle routes, extra trees and planting and picnic areas all form part of the new plans. The Environment Agency has now completed work to create a new fish pass at the river weir which helps fish to navigate this obstacle allowing them to grow and thrive.

For more information about the Weyside regeneration or to see upcoming events and site activities, please visit www.weysideurbanvillage.co.uk or email michelle.morley@chessengage.com.

Chess Engage provides communications support for the Weyside regeneration scheme.