Stoke Community Pantry

Bring, share, take what you need.

The Stoke Community Pantry, located at St Peter’s Shared Church on Hazel Avenue, is a common resource that anyone in the community can contribute to, take some food or help out with, if they would like. There is some Frozen food available, (meat veg and potatoes) dry goods, some toiletries and essentials.

It is open to donate and use on Tuesdays (during Oak Café) 10.00am-12.30pm and on Saturday Mornings from 10.00am-12.00pm.

It would be lovely to extend the times that this is available for everyone. To do this we need volunteer helpers. There are opportunities to volunteer to check the stocks of the food and to be there to open this up at other times.

This is your food pantry free to use for you! Its a bit like a free food shop.

If you are interested in volunteering please contact the office: